The SSVP Youth (18 – 36 years) in Lebanon work inside the Conferences and are grouped in a National Committee that aims to animate the Vincentian Youth activities.


– Keep the youth informed about the various activities of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society

– Encourage them to meet – from different Conferences- and carry out joint projects

– Foster the creation of new youth groups in Conferences

– Develop civic awareness and interest of young people to social commitment

– Highlight the social teaching of the church and identify the Vincentian charism

– Promote youth volunteering in the service of the poor and encourage them to visit the poor at home.


– Organize spiritual gatherings (day, weekend, …)

– Conduct mission-camps in target villages

– Hold theme round tables, workshops for deeper studies

– Set up mutual visits to Conferences and foster youth meetings

– Organize events at Christmas and Easter to serve the poor

– Encourage Conferences to work for young people recruitment

– Be part of events organized by the National Council (national day, annual dinner …)

The Vision of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul for the Youth

You who have joy in your heart and who are always ready to serve,
You who still dream and want to change the world and eradicate poverty,
You who seek a chance to experience love and kindness,
You who are willing to dedicate time for success and for a better life,
You who want to stay faithful to your convictions and be responsible,
You who are not afraid of commitment and want to extend your love to others by actions,
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is calling you; your presence in its Conferences will decide its future.

Visiting the poor is the core of SSVP action. It is based on the regular long-term commitment of the vincentian and the generosity of benefactors; the new guidelines of the Society in the fight against poverty require much more commitment from you. We need more dedicated young to guide, advise and coordinate the works and projects of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.
We rely on you, students, professionals convinced by our Mission.

The SSVP offers the possibility to communicate and exchange in an international network of Charity. This network will allow you to expand your circle of friends, strengthen your convictions, and to share your vision and your experience. Through this structure, you will find a place to live your social commitment to achieve the mission, in hopes of taking over in continuing the Mission and activities of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.

Thus, young and old, we will all “Love, Share, Serve”, to change the mourning into joy, to comfort sorrow and give peace and joy.